
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do High-Protein Diets Promote Weight Loss?

High-protein diets do promote weight loss but it is often temporary. There are two major explanations for the loss.

High-protein diets cause dehydration, which looks like immediate and dramatic weight loss. A quick lesson in physiology will explain how this happens. Carbohydrates are stored in our bodies as glycogen and each glycogen molecule is bound to three molecules of water. As you reduce carbohydrates in your diet your body starts using up its stored glycogen -- and also the water that was bound to the glycogen -- for energy. This loss of body water is mistakenly interpreted as a loss of body fat.
The second reason these diets work is that they are actually low-calorie diets in disguise. When you cut out carbohydrates, you are eliminating a major food group, which in turn will cause a reduction in caloric intake. No more bagels for breakfast, pretzels for snacks, or pasta and bread for dinner. In addition, studies have shown that a less varied diet will result in reduced food consumption.

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