
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What is the role of sprouted grains in healthy diet?

Sprouted grains are widely recognized by health care professionals as a “better food.”

Sprouting process not only significantly increases valuable nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, B-vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium but also causes a natural change that makes the protein and carbohydrates easier for the body to use.

Make sprouted grains a regular part of your diet. Sprouts are lower in carbohydrates and calories than the grains from which they were sprouted.
Sprouted grains may help treat irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome occurs when a person has terrible gas and cramping caused by hard stool.

Many grains can be prepared in your own kitchen: wheat, soya, lentils, rice, alfalfa, Lucerne, quinoa, oats, barley, etc. it is very easy to make grains germinate.

To successful germinate grains; you have to buy grain of good quality. Use grains without chemically treated or heated. You must wash it and soak it for a day in a porcelain cup. The next day, throw out the water and put the wheat germ on a plate. You must water them regularly, at least twice a day. The stem grows from day to day. Sprouting process has four days on the average from the beginning of germination until the sprouts are ready to be eaten.

Sprouted grains may be eaten plain or in salad, together with other raw vegetables or in dishes you prepare according to your own recipes.

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