
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why Are We Gaining So Much Weight?

Certainly, there are several contributing factors for why we are gaining so much weight—a problem so widespread is bound to be pretty complicated. But after all are said and done, experts agreeing on at least three key factors driving overweight and obesity.They are outlined below.

The Working Life:
The world of work is changing. Cell phones, pagers, faxes, and e-mails now dominate our working lives. And while we aren’t working any less, they are moving less.
Today, more than half of us sit in front of a computer all day, burning very few calories at all.
Even those of us not using computers during the day are burning fewer calories because of technological advancements that make our work easier.

Food, Food, Food:
Food is abundantly available—in fact, it’s everywhere.

Our Sedentary Society:
In total, there are 168 hours in every week. The vast majority—nearly 70% are devoted to sedentary activities. Consider that employed adults work an average of 47 hours per week.

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